Monday, 28 May 2012


1. How is the Romantic construction of the Sublime reflected in the ideological, conceptual and linguistic construction of the texts under consideration in this Romanticism reader? Discuss one or two examples...


1. What are the key features of High Modernism and what was the ‘movements’ agenda with regards language use?

2. How can you identify Modernist texts?

3. Is post-modernism an extension or refutation of Modernism?

4. What is ‘Beat’ poetry ?

5. What is the link between Beat poetry and blues, Beat poetry and rap?

6. What is it about both Beat poetry and rap that has provoked censorship?


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  2. How can you identify Modernist texts?

    Modernism is an international movement associated with the twentieth century, influenced international arts and culture generally (Merlaney, 1993).

    In the late 19th and early 20th centuries the, the western society experienced the development of modern industrial and a rapid growth of cities then the horror Great War (Childs, 2011). These changes brought people a thinking of that they learnt from institutions had led this horror world bloody conflicts. The death and the lost invoke them which they learnt is no longer reliable to access the true meaning of life, while they wanted to discover the answers by themselves. Therefore, the modernist text intends to reject the optimism apparent in Victorian literature; break down of the prison of the social norms and cultural values, involving large factors of social or historical change to express individual sense of a fragmented society and disillusionment. For example, in The Good Soldier, Ford Madox Ford largely expresses the negative influences of the Great War: people have nothing to believe in; the distinction between appearance and reality become the most important motif of the novel.

    The Modernist context is in a complex narrative structure which breaks the limitations of space and time, and incorporates with collection of disjointed fragments and overlapping voices. For example, the narrative is normally discontinued, and sometimes two unlike things are put next to one another. In these works, the stylistic and substantial references to Greco-Roman mythology could be found; the reader or hearer has to make the connection to literary work or work of art to under them. The Stream of Consciousness was also utilized as an insight of inner thought to emphasis the self-consciously experiment and individual awareness of the society.

    Meanwhile, there were many movements appeared to make the concept of the work of art related to a new understating of structure, such as symbolism, postimpressionism, and expressionism etc. .; these movements invoke the insights of hermeneutics and deconstruction and inclined toward the self-reflexive and contemplative (Childs, 2011). Thus, the works of these movements can also be identified as modernist text.

    There are some authors who are closely associated with modernism; the most renowned and respected “modernist” authors are James Joyce, T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf, William Faulkner, and Ezra Pound (Martin, 2010), and their work can definitely be identified as Modernist text.


    Childs, P. (2011). Modernist literature. Retrieved from

    Martin.E.(2010). Themes, Texts, Context of Modernist Literature. Retrieved from

    Merlaney, W. D.(1993). Deconstruction and poetic truth: A theory of the modernist text. Retrieved from

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  4. How can you identify Modernist texts?

    Modern literature was new rise literary in late 19th century, it was mainly popular in the 20th century in western countries and had effect continues to now. The main feature is anti-tradition, it reflects the content and artistic techniques and had great tradititon of Western literature, it has a modern consciousness and modern complexity.

    As World War II a branch point, modernism could be divided into two periods, the eary one had symbolism, expressionism, stream of consciouseness novel, later one had existentialism, teater of the absurd, the New Novel, black humor and magical realsimliterature, the ‘Beat generation’.

    In the peropd of modersim, the english literature against and had “visceral reaction” that had prevailed fro most of the 19th century. Actually, it was one of the fundamental constant of Modernist stance. Generally, in the world of art, modernism was the beginning of rhe distinction between “high” art and “low” art.

    Rahn (2011) states that Modernism has extreme strong sense of cohesion to different genre and language environment and as they think it’s quite deliberately and self-consciously to use modern point of view. In addition, a central of Modernism is inner self and consciousness while cares of Modernist is not much to be concerned in Romantic world as whole structures of history.

    Modernism is dealing with non-literary forms of contemporaneous modernist art like modernist painting; Gertrude Stein’s abstract writing was often compared to Pablo Picasso work that is fragmentary and multi-perspective (Wikipedia).
    Modernist literature was trying move from Realist literature. As metanarratives that was mean to be emancipatory happened in World War I, the rise of trade unionism, discontent of a general society, and less psychoanalysis. It was emergent and necessary of unified function for a growth in the importance of political culture.

    Modernist literary movement began late 19th and 20th centuries. Modernism was seen as a literary movement that was a reaction to the urgent of city life as a central force in society. What’s more, as self-supporting of early attention to the object became preoccupation of postmodernism from (Wikipedia). The distance between subject and object was dyadic collapse; the only way to solve it was movement. Romanticism emphasize subjectivity of experience while Modernist were more care about objectivity of their environment. That means language cannot represent Modernism. This is shift from a knowledge-based aesthetic to a being-based aesthetic. This shift is central to Modernism (Rahn, 2011).

    Rahn, J. (2011). Modernism. Retrieved on 2 June, 2012, from
    Esty, J. (2003). A shrinking island: modernism and national culture in England. Retrived from,
    Wikipedia. Modernist literature. Retrieved from,

  5. What is ‘Beat’ poetry?

    ‘Beat generation’ was a popular literary genre in United States after World War II. The writers of the genre had characters were wild, uninhibited, unconventional young people. Their lives were simple, slovenly; they refused to assume any social obligation, wandering, contempt of law and order in society, opposed to all worldly stereotypes and monopoly capital rule, and to resist foreign aggression and apartheid hatemachine civilization, they would always seek new stimulus and freedom, lust, drugs, destruction, this challenge to a decent standard of value, so they called the ‘Beat Generation’.

    The beat generation was one of the largest cultural movements of the twentieth century. It has been a literary phenomenon to a life-change attitude foe thousands of people around world. It has originality and individuality in the way people though and acted. Forgetting the old rules of literature, music, sex and religion, it still effects a lot in the world.

    In 1960s, the "Beat Generation" gradually began to branch as a cultural change. Active in 40-50 years, the Beatles family "began to be more active in the 1960s counter-culture groups replaced by the name of this community was changed to" hippies ". Of course, this shift is the sequence to complete. Beat literati in the 1960s is still very active, such as Allen Ginsberg, in his anti-Vietnam War movement play an important role. Gradually fade out of this movement, however, and he matched the other. "Beat" writer Jack Kerouac. In the 1960s and Ginsberg break the resistance of the 1960s and denounce as "vicious excuse". "Beat generation" resist the thought of the 1960s had a huge impact. For example, the rock star Bob Dylan and Allen Ginsberg, the relationship is very close.

    In specific, “the beatnik was the laid-back, poetry reading goateed man.” They always wear black; if in that case, they attempt to destroy culture. Showing ‘crazy’ is most important creative characteristics. Most of their poetry gives a crazy feeling; people feel their rebellion, and their lives. This madness is the American society, the prevalence of a variety of new ideas to them caused by the impact. Many of them are mysterious, their madness is what they use to the traditional challenges of a weapon, they used crazy words crazy language against the School in gentle, and they want the world crazy with them.

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    2. It is noted that the idea of this blog is very good.
      The term of Beat poetry normally refers to the literature movement created by a group of writer in New York City in the mid-1950s. The beat poets determined to put the idealism of America’s dream of individual freedom to their ultimate test. Their interests were in poetry as performance, frequently with jazz accompaniment, there was often recognizable quality that distinguished their work for other poetry. The beat poetry describes a segment of the post-world war II generation (beat generation) that felt like they did not fit in the majority. Therefore, the beat poetry expresses their rejection of poetic as well as social conventions.


      Parini, J. (1993). The Calumbia history of American poetry. Retrieved from
